Product Liability
Each year, millions of Americans are prescribed pharmaceuticals and undergo surgeries that dramatically improve their quality of life. However, there are those Americans that undertake these measures and, from no fault of their own, experience severe side effects, including death. The attorneys at Harmon, Linder & Rogowsky have successfully represented hundreds of patients who have had their lives dramatically altered for the worse as a result of faulty products.
There have been numerous cases brought against major pharmaceutical manufacturers over the last couple of decades, which have resulted in judgments in the hundreds of millions of dollars. If you or a loved one has experienced severe side effects or even death as a result of the use of medically prescribed medications, then you need to speak with one of our legal experts at Harmon, Linder & Rogowsky.
In addition to the rise in pharmaceutical cases, the number of casualties resulting from surgeries such as joint replacement, cardiovascular stents and even cosmetic, has risen greatly over the decades. Whether the procedure was mandatory or optional, any severe side effects may be the result of a faulty product or negligence. If you or a loved one has experienced any severe side effects or death, we urge you to contact us today at 212-732-3665 for a free, confidential consultation.